Our Wines


Our Wine is a Handcrafted Perfection, and is always on tap.

At the core of Sharon James lies high quality enjoyable wine.

Our wines are all named a virtue. Ones that we believe make who we are, what our wines are, and the quality of people that we share our wines with. Look for new wines to be added regularly to our collection. We also serve seasonal beer on tap from 2 local micro-breweries.

Sharon James Cellars Wines
Sharon James Cellars White Wines

Red Wines



[a lively or energetic quality]
Cabernet Sauvignon – Dry



[the power or right to decide or act according to one’s own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice]
Concord – Sweet



[constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind.]
Cabernet Franc – Dry



[courage in pain or adversity]
Syrah – Dry



[just behavior or treatment]
Merlot & Red Zin – Dry

White Wines



[quality or state of being tranquil; calm]
Vidal – Dry



[the practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness.]
Vidal – Sweet



[sympathy and empathy]
Unoaked Chardonnay – Semi-Dry



[the act of taking or receiving something offered. a favorable reception; approval; favor.]
Reisling – Semi-Dry

Sharon James Cellars White Wines
Sharon James Cellars White Wines

Rosé Wines


Mary’s Wild Irish Rosé

[named after Sharon’s mother’s secret blend]
Stuben – Dry



[open resistance; bold disobedience]
Catawba – Sweet